Happy Birthday, Corban!!!!!!!

Now that Corban's first birthday has finally arrived, I've been scratching my head as to how I could even begin to tell you what this past year has been like. And I've decided... I can't tell you.

But I can show you.

Here goes...

Corban - Our Gift Dedicated to God from Corbani on Vimeo.

PS. For those of you who are a bit less technically savvy... If you'd like to watch this video full screen, click on the icon directly to the left of the word "vimeo."


Anabelle.Grace said...

Happy (belated) Birthday Corban!! Thank you for sharing the past year with us, it shows me just how far these little ones can go. So thrilled to see him thrive and develop into a silly little boy. He is just too cute for words! <3