Corban is still very swollen. When I touched his arm tonight he winced in pain, just from the swelling. If it gives you a better idea of how swollen he is, when I went to the hospital yesterday, the nurses were trying to draw his blood. They tried for over an hour to draw blood from one of his veins. After looking for every possible place and poking him in his head a couple times, his arm and his leg, they still couldn't get it. He is so swollen they can't get to any of his veins. Pray that they can figure out what all is causing this wretched edema.
Also, he got fitted for his leg brace today. Hopefully they'll have it ready by Friday. It would definitely help with his edema, but unfortunately, I won't get to hold him until the chest tubes come out. I did, however, get to spend some time with him today, close up, and even give him a kiss or two. It was so nice to be with him without the "glass cage" between us
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