Four Eyes and Proud of It

Well... after much kicking and screaming, Corban drug me in to the doctor's office this week to pick up his new glasses. I told him I didn't want to have to deal with one more thing and that he already had enough equipment on his body, to which he replied, "Mom, get over it. I need these."

"Okay, okay...."

So we went and tried them on. Once he finished trying to rip them off his face, he began to look around. And then he started to smile. And then he started to laugh! He could see! Ha!

For the first time, he could see my face, he could see his hands... He could see everything up close that has been but a blur to him his whole life. Wow. I guess I didn't realize how bad it was, until I saw how much of a difference the glasses made. Such a difference!!

So, now that we have one extra thing added to our long list of Corban gear, I have but one regret--that we didn't get them sooner!

  Couldn't you just eat him up??!?

The second pair...

And here he is, rockin' them out on video.


Anonymous said...

he looks so cute Paula and lucky guy has 2 pairs??? wow!