We Almost Lost Him

Corban could have died this morning. He wasn't handling being off the ventilator very well and spent most of the night crying. This morning, he dropped his heart rate and oxygen levels drastically low and even with chest compressions/bagging, he wouldn't come back up. The nurses thought for sure they had lost him. It took two rounds of EPI (epinephrine) to jump start his heart before he finally came back.

Thinking about this verse from Job today:

"For hardship does not spring from the soil,
nor does trouble sprout from the ground.
Yet man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward." -Job 5:6-7

Corban is one who has been born to trouble. He's suffered more in his first 3 months of life, than many of us will ever experience in a lifetime. Praying the Lord has mercy and heals his little body soon. May God give us years of joy together after these months of sorrow.