Strummin' His Guitar

I thought this was too cute not to share! Corban, strummin' his toy guitar. How awesome is that? Hee hee. I think it's a sign. A talented musician in the making right here, folks.

 Got a couple great smiles on camera too....

Don't you just wanna eat him up??

A Good Night's Sleep

If any of you wonder why I look haggard and sleep deprived these days, it might be because I've had a night like last night. What do I mean? Well, let me explain.

It began yesterday afternoon. Corban didn't want to take his nap, but cried off and on instead. The crying went on into the evening, and as any of you who've had newborns know, it really can be a guessing game to figure out what's wrong with them. After a dozen attempts to "make it all better" and hope I stumbled upon something that worked, I began to realize he must be having tummy trouble (most likely gas).

So, after hearing him cry most of the afternoon and into the evening, I finally got him to settle down around 8/8:30. He slept, but only for a half an hour or so, then he was up crying again. In the meantime, his older brother and sister are both clamoring for my attention, crying, whining, fighting, ready to go to bed.

He calms down after a little while, and we get the other kids in bed. But Corban is wide awake, and remains wired until....

11:30pm - Put Corban to bed, hoping and praying he sleeps through the night. I'm plum worn out from a LONG day!!
12:00am - Corban cries. Run upstairs and attempt burping him, repositioning him and giving him his pacifier. Have venting tube in his G-tube to try to release gas and make him more comfortable.
12:15/12:30am - Corban finally goes to sleep.
1:00am - Get ready for bed. Get Corban's milk ready to go over the pump, 9 oz. in 6 hours.
1:30/2:00am - Finally fall asleep.
3:30am - Corban cries. Notice the G-tube pump stopped with a feed error. Hit "continue" and try to figure out what's wrong with Corban. Turn him to his side and give him his pacifier. That seems to settle him for the time being.
5:30am - Pump stopped again. Inspect the tubing to make sure clamp is not closed and hit "continue." Again. Turn the alarm on so I hear it, if there's a problem.
5:45am - Alarm sounds. Discover the milk hasn't been delivering and the bag is still full from when I filled it up at 1am. Take tubing out of the pump and re-feed it. Turn up the delivery rate and pray he doesn't get a tummy ache from it being too fast.
6:30am - Corban cries. Stick pacifier in his mouth and hope that resolves the problem, not really jumping for joy over another middle of the night brain storming session.
7:15am - He cries again. Pacifier again.
8:15am - Pacifier.
10:25am - Corban wakes up happy. Mommy, on the other hand........

So, if you're tempted to be jealous of me when I take an afternoon nap, don't be. There's a good reason why you might not be able to reach me at 2:00 in the afternoon. It is not because I'm soaking in excessive amounts of zzzz's. I'm catching up.