Happy Birthday, Birthday Boy!

My little boy is FOUR YEARS OLD today!! How did that happen?!

Well... I suppose we've been a little distracted by these two loonie birds. 

We've also been distracted by Corban's handsome face and unmatched charm. "Oh, da'ling..."

And Corban's baby sister is a highly skilled and dangerous weapon of mass distraction. KA-BOOM!

Between all four of them, we..... are......never.......bored!  

 Good thing Daddy's a pro!

And good thing Corban's not afraid of fire. Because that cake is LOADED with candles! One... two... three...



Triple Surgery Day

This picture was taken 2 weeks ago, on Arthrogryposis Awareness Day (June 30th). It was taken on a day where we were all happy, enjoying life, and wearing blue to celebrate the day. It was a day where Corban was enjoying life as well.

Tomorrow is not a day where Corban will be enjoying life. Tomorrow is not a day where we all will be having fun. Tomorrow is a day where Corban will undergo anesthesia and have THREE different surgeons cut him open. It will not be a fun day. :(


It will be a good day. A day of promise. :) I hope!

I hope that the Ophthalmologist will have success in straightening Corban's wild eyes so he can see the world better (strabismus/eye muscle sugery). I hope that the Gastroenterologist will give us some answers as to why Corban throws up and fights eating so badly (endoscopy of esophagus, intestine and stomach). And I hope that the Otolaryngologist (ENT) will be able to help Corban with his hearing issues and ultimately with his speech and feeding issues (tubes in his ears, nasal endoscopy, adenoid removal).

If you're like me, your heart might be a little heavy for Corban today as you imagine all the surgeries he's endured and will endure in his life. But don't just think of the pain! Think of all the good things that could come from a day like tomorrow. Think of the potential for improvement. And hope for it! Always hope.