I promise, cross-my-heart-hope-to-die that I WILL update the blog soon. I am just finding it harder and harder to carve out a time as well as carve out my thoughts, while wrangling 4 kids, nursing, homeschooling, making dinner (occasionally), and breaking up potential life-threatening fights.
SO, instead of a long update, I thought I'd quickly post a picture of Mr. Corban borrowing his baby sister's Jenny Jumper for a few minutes.
I post this picture because lately I have been trying to think of creative ways to get Corban moving. It's not the struggle a mom usually faces with her toddler, I know. But it is mine. So, here we are today, trying out new equipment and stretching our minds to get a little more creative with the way Corban spends his awake time. I hope he appreciates our creativity and shows a little creativity himself.