Charis Renae is Here!

You know you've just had a baby when you find yourself a month behind in everything. So, yes. Our little girl arrived over a month ago. September 25th, to be exact.

First, let me start by apologizing to everyone who thought you might find us in the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest pregnancy to date. Although it felt like that, it wasn't. Just a mere 42 weeks! That's all. ;)

Although she took her merry ol' time in getting here and had a bit longer to cook in Mommy's belly than typical, she was a lot smaller than the doctor expected her to be. At only 8lb. 1oz., she showed herself to be more petite than her eldest brother (who weighed a solid 9lb. at birth) and only a couple ounces more than her sister (who weighed 7lb. 15oz.). Corban weighed 5lb. 1oz., so she definitely had him beat - but obviously, that's different. 

Second, let me be the first to admit that I am 100% head over heels, googly-eyed, take my breath away IN LOVE! This baby girl has brightened my world in more ways than I'd ever be able to list on this short blog post. I'd really have to sit down and have a good heart-to-heart gab session for a few hours to recount all the ways she's brought me joy and filled my heart with good things. She is a tangible expression of God's smile on us and has been a healing balm in our lives.

From holding her and not having to worry about broken bones, to rocking her and not being in danger of knocking out a chest tube, to snuggling with her and having her "snuggle" back (instead of being scared or in pain), to nursing her and not having to worry about her aspirating, to kissing her and not having to dodge a bunch of ventilator tubing, to hearing her coo and taking heart in the fact that she won't have to undergo hours of speech therapy just to make a couple babbling sounds, to feeling her strong legs kick and the relief of not having to worry about painful surgeries or the possibility that she might never be able to walk, to watching her smile and knowing she's not afraid of me - her own mother, this baby girl has soothed many wounds and healed many sores. She has been a tangible expression of God's grace and goodness.

Which is what leads me to her name and why we chose it. From the first ultrasound where we saw her kick and flip and turn, and knew "it was all going to be ok," we felt a strong sense of God's mercy in giving us this little one. A strong sense of healing and grace.

we named her Grace! Well, sort of. "Charis" is the Greek word for "grace," so it's close enough. Charis means, "that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, loveliness... good will, loving-kindness, favor..."

Her middle name likewise carries a redemptive meaning. "Renae" (also my middle name) means "reborn." Put the two names together, and you have "grace reborn." And that's exactly how we feel about this beautiful little baby girl. In her, God's grace has been reborn in our lives.

And that's not to say Corban ISN'T an expression of God's grace in our lives. He most certainly is! Just the fact that he survived, is evidence of God's grace. And that fact that he's come as far as he has? Also, major evidence of God's grace.

It's just different.

So now that that's established, I'm sure the big question you all are dying to ask is, "what does Corban thinks of his little sister?" Well, I think it's safe to say, she's growing on him. :)