Joy, is just what I've been praying for these last 10 months, and joy is what I have today. I've been looking at these pictures over and over and over again, and no matter how many times I look at them, I smile. To see just how far we've come, truly makes me stand in awe.
I stand in awe of God, who, by his rich mercy has brought us this far. I stand in awe of Corban's doctor, who has made a masterpiece out of twisted, crooked feet. And I stand in awe of Corban, who has fought harder than any baby should have to fight, yet has turned out to be one of life's greatest gifts.
I suppose, if I could have seen 10 months ago how this story would turn out, I wouldn't have been such a stressed out, frazzled, emotional wreck. Maybe I'd have made a few less enemies too! But I wasn't afforded such a luxury. I couldn't see down that telescope of time to know that we'd be at this point. I honestly didn't know if Corban was going to survive.
If only, I had x-ray vision. Right? Trusting God would have been so much easier. SO much easier. But then I wonder, what if this story hadn't ended so well? What if Corban didn't make it? I would have lost hope. I might have given up. I may have even closed my heart to this amazing little boy. And I would have missed out on this very precious life.
So, I'm glad I don't have x-ray vision. I'm glad I couldn't see down that telescope of time. And even now, I am tempted to want a sneak peek to see if Corban will walk, use his fingers, be fully independent, etc. But I'll resist. Only God knows the future. Only God orders our steps. So, I'll leave the future for God, and be sure to thank him for the present. It truly is a gift.